Building the B2B Social Media Machine with Adriel Sanchez and Jasmine Sandler at #SESNY

Social media marketing for B2B brands requires creativity, scalability and buy-in across the organization. Just after the Tuesday morning keynote at SES New York,  Adriel Sanchez , Senior Director of Demand Generation at SAP and  Jasmine Sandler , CEO at Agent-cy, shared with attendees a framework for building a B2B social media machine in their session led by TopRank Online Marketing CEO Lee Odden . Social media management changes constantly, Sandler reminded participants as she took the stage. The opportunity for B2B brands continues to grow; one-to-one conversations are happening across social platforms, blogs, forums, and elsewhere across the web.

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Building the B2B Social Media Machine with Adriel Sanchez and Jasmine Sandler at #SESNY

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